About Pomo Elementary
The school climate at Pomo School is a source of pride for our staff, students, and parents.
Working together as a team, our staff ensures that your child receives excellent instruction. We work diligently to implement the Common Core State Standards and address 21st Century Skills. This is an exciting time in education and we look forward to the growth and learning this school year will bring. In order to ensure academic excellence, we have adjusted bell schedules to allow for regular early dismissal (for students) and collaboration days (for staff). This time provides our instructional team to collaborate through quality professional development which in turn benefits our learners directly.
We continue to develop our comprehensive school-wide behavior program Positive Behavior Intervention and Support - PBIS. Our three rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, guide all aspects of our school. This along with our focus on Visible Learning, are key components to providing the support and programs to elevate a safe school and meaningful student engagement and learning.
To assure that all students are making progress, we work collaboratively to review academic, behavioral, attendance, and other data pertaining to each student. The ongoing information gathered at these meetings helps us to intervene quickly when students are struggling in various areas of development and provide challenges and leadership opportunities for gifted students. Each student at Pomo is important and unique and we welcome family feedback and invite family participation – you are the expert when it comes to your children.
The goal of Pomo School is to help students become safe, respectful, responsible individuals while developing a lifelong passion for knowledge. Learning at Pomo School is a combined effort, involving students, family, community, and school. Together, we strive to provide a successful learning experience in a safe environment. Active instruction, a research-based curriculum, and a comprehensive assessment system are all integral parts of our academic program. Instruction at Pomo School imparts knowledge while it develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


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