Families, please continue to work with us as we look to reinforce the following:
- Stay on campus and in classes for the duration of the school day
- Only use cell phones outside of class time (or with permission)
- Dress in accordance with the school dress code, fitting for the school day
- Follow the COVID-19 Protocols, especially wearing the mask indoors
- Keep our school safe and clean
These are a few of the many behaviors that we are highlighting to create a safe, responsible, and respectful Lower Lake High School, where we get an education of the mind and an education of the heart!
Parents and guardians, you are welcome to attend a brief face-to-face meeting on Wednesday, January 12th in the library at LLHS starting at 5:30 pm. The meeting is a "meet and greet" for each other and me as the new acting principal. The meeting is also an opportunity to review the Code of Conduct, gather input, and work together.
To monitor the number of people in attendance for the meeting, RSVP me via email at teresa.rensch@konoctiusd.org. We will also try to live stream the meeting through the LLHS Facebook page. Stay tuned by visiting the LLHS Facebook page at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 12th.