ELS Principal
Welcome to East Lake School!
Eastlake is a small TK-7 School located in Clearlake Oaks, California. Our staff is committed to providing a comprehensive education in a safe and respectful environment. We are firmly committed to preparing our students to live up to their potential while becoming productive citizens. Our small size allows us to focus on individuals and ensure the success of every student. We have a strong community support group that is extremely involved in the success of our school.
The East Lake Elementary School strives high quality learning in every classroom, every day, for every student.
Core Beliefs Core Belief #1: Children come first
Our school addresses individual differences, demands/requires high expectations, is culturally responsive and exhibits respect for each child.
Core Belief #2: The classroom is the most important place in the district
Our school ensures that training and support are made available to teachers so they provide students with engaging, relevant learning experiences resulting in high levels of achievement.
Core Belief #3: Leadership and accountability are the keys to our success
Our school requires that those in leadership roles have the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to bring all children to proficiency and beyond in literacy and to be held accountable for their success.
Core Belief #4: Families are valuable partners
Our school values families and therefore is committed to involving them in impactful literacy discussions, resourceful professional development, and purposeful volunteer opportunities at the district and school level.
Core Belief #5: Community partnerships add value
Our school and goals will be communicated to and aligned with community partnerships in order to provide a coherent continuum of services for students and their families.
About the Principal

I am proud to be the Principal of East Lake School, home of ROCKSTARS! This is my 18th year in education. I served as a middle school science and math teacher, and 6th grade teacher before joining the ranks of Administration within the Konocti Unified School District in 2012.
Jessica Taliaferro
(707) 998-3387
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