Attendance & Absences
Children are required by law to be in regular attendance at school. The only legally excusable absence is for illness, medical, or dental appointments. When a child has been absent for any reason, you may leave a message on the attendance secretary's voice mail (ext. 2511) or a note can be sent with the child when he/she returns to school, and must be signed by a parent or guardian. If the school is not contacted by the parent, the absence/tardy will be marked as "unexcused." Please make all possible effort to keep the school informed when your child is absent or tardy. IMPORTANT: An unexcused absence/tardy because a parent forgets to call in or does not follow up with the school on the absence, will remain an unexcused absence/tardy. This can be frustrating as our attendance records later may be such that your student is unable to attend a school activity or function that maintains an attendance requirement. In this situation, the burden does fall on the parent though the student may be the one who ends up with the consequence. This is the parent's ownership in such a case and not the school's fault. In order to avoid this, please keep the school up to date on any attendance/tardy issues. It is the parent's responsibility to see that children attend school and maintain proper attendance. All students who maintain perfect attendance for the entire school year are rewarded at the end of the year.
Perfect attendance means NO absences or tardies to class at all. Excused absences or tardies WILL count against perfect attendance.
School starts at 8:15 a.m. Students who arrive after the bell must report to the office for a tardy slip. Tardiness also disrupts the classroom; therefore we encourage you to see that your child is on time. It is both the responsibility of the parent and the student to be on time to school and class. Positive reinforcement and rewards are provided for students attending school daily on time.
Making Up School Work Missed
School work missed due to any absence must be made up. In the case of illness when a child is expected to be out of school for more than three days, schoolwork should be obtained from the child's teacher if the child is capable of doing work at home. Students are given two days to make up work for each day they miss. School work not made up due to absence from school may result in a lower report card grade or an incomplete grade.
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